Thank you for choosing Rising Star Preschool. We are so excited to help you and your child prepare for their preschool experience.
Our Preschool Readiness Program is to assure you that your child will make a smooth and successful transition into the preschool environment and its routines and expectations. These skill expectations include social, language, play, physical and self-care abilities. The development of the building block skills for preschool readiness allows preschool teachers to expand and further develop a child’s skills in the areas of social interaction, play, language, emotional development, physical skills, early literacy and numeracy and fine motor skills. The basic establishment of these skills in advance of entry to the preschool program typically affords the child a more successful entry to the preschool environment. This can reflect social interaction in making and keeping friends, self-care skills (such as toileting independence and being able to manage their lunchbox independently), emotional regulation to demonstrate age appropriate responses to frustration and to control tantrums, competent physical skills as the play they engage in when interacting with their peers (both independently and alone) as well as language skills for both listening (e.g. to group play instructions) as well as talking (with their friends).